_:vb50900335 . _:vb50901432 . _:vb50901438 _:vb50901452 . _:vb50900340 _:vb50900341 . _:vb50900309 "1906"^^ . _:vb50900320 . _:vb50901432 . _:vb50900327 . _:vb50900320 . _:vb50901436 _:vb50901448 . _:vb50900267 "1906"^^ . _:vb50901432 . _:vb50901437 _:vb50901450 . _:vb50900323 . _:vb50901454 . _:vb50900322 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900262 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900267 . _:vb50901442 . _:vb50900336 _:vb50900337 . "Nobel Peace Prize"^^ . _:vb50900323 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900272 . _:vb50900324 . . _:vb50901444 . _:vb50901435 _:vb50901444 . _:vb50900325 . _:vb50901434 _:vb50901441 . _:vb50901441 . _:vb50900328 "for writing 'Lay Down Your Arms' and contributing to the creation of the Prize."^^ . _:vb50900325 . _:vb50900263 _:vb50900279 . _:vb50900306 "1903"^^ . _:vb50900338 _:vb50900339 . _:vb50900343 "for acting as a link between the peace societies of the various countries."^^ . _:vb50900262 _:vb50900273 . _:vb50900315 "for his humanitarian efforts to help wounded soldiers and create international understanding"^^ . _:vb50900266 _:vb50900286 . _:vb50900326 . _:vb50900327 . _:vb50901448 . _:vb50900263 "1902"^^ . _:vb50901443 "for his lifelong work for international peace conferences, diplomacy and arbitration"^^ . _:vb50900326 "for its efforts as an unofficial body to formulate the general principles of the science of international law"^^ . _:vb50901449 . _:vb50900264 _:vb50900282 . _:vb50901450 . _:vb50900265 _:vb50900284 . _:vb50900279 "for his role as the first honorary secretary of the International Peace Bureau"^^ . _:vb50900260 . _:vb50901451 . _:vb50901445 . _:vb50901453 "for writing 'Lay Down Your Arms' and contributing to the creation of the Prize."^^ . _:vb50901452 . _:vb50900318 "for his lifelong work for international peace conferences, diplomacy and arbitration"^^ . _:vb50901453 . _:vb50900285 . _:vb50901454 . _:vb50900304 "1901"^^ . _:vb50900341 "for combined diplomatic work for Franco-German and Franco-British understanding with a distinguished career in international arbitration."^^ . _:vb50900283 . _:vb50900288 _:vb50900289 . _:vb50900282 "for his role as the 'first father' of the Inter-Parliamentary Union"^^ . _:vb50900294 "for his work as founder of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration League."^^ . _:vb50900281 . _:vb50900290 _:vb50900291 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900307 . _:vb50900314 . _:vb50900339 . _:vb50901442 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900306 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900305 . _:vb50900314 "for his successful mediation to end the Russo-Japanese war and for his interest in arbitration, having provided the Hague arbitration court with its very first case."^^ . _:vb50901443 . _:vb50900292 _:vb50900293 . _:vb50900342 . _:vb50900322 "for his role as the first Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union."^^ . _:vb50901437 "1904"^^ . _:vb50900287 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900313 . _:vb50900317 . _:vb50901445 . _:vb50900302 . _:vb50900270 "1909"^^ . _:vb50900318 . _:vb50900294 _:vb50900295 . _:vb50900340 "for being a representative to the two Hague conferences, and a leading figure in the Inter-Parliamentary Union."^^ . _:vb50900338 . _:vb50900260 . _:vb50900277 . _:vb50900298 _:vb50900299 . _:vb50901447 . _:vb50900275 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900308 . _:vb50900295 "for being the foremost peace advocate in Scandinavia, combining work in the Inter-Parliamentary Union with being the first president of the International Peace Bureau."^^ . _:vb50900274 . _:vb50901447 "for his role as the first Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union."^^ . _:vb50900297 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900270 . _:vb50900296 _:vb50900297 . _:vb50900264 "1903"^^ . _:vb50900290 "for his work as a key leader of the Italian peace movement."^^ . _:vb50900278 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900314 . _:vb50901432 . _:vb50900262 _:vb50900274 . _:vb50900296 . _:vb50900263 _:vb50900277 . _:vb50901435 "1902"^^ . _:vb50900302 . _:vb50900267 _:vb50900287 . _:vb50900300 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900269 . _:vb50900266 _:vb50900285 . _:vb50900333 "for his work as a leading French international jurist and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague."^^ . _:vb50900336 "for his work as founder of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration League."^^ . _:vb50900264 _:vb50900281 . _:vb50900311 "1908"^^ . _:vb50900289 . _:vb50900265 _:vb50900283 . _:vb50900297 . _:vb50901446 "for his role as the first honorary secretary of the International Peace Bureau"^^ . _:vb50900269 "1908"^^ . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900268 . _:vb50900288 . _:vb50901432 _:vb50901438 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900266 . _:vb50900299 . _:vb50900321 "for his role as the first honorary secretary of the International Peace Bureau"^^ . _:vb50900307 "1904"^^ . _:vb50901432 _:vb50901437 . _:vb50900300 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900304 . _:vb50900301 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900312 . _:vb50900312 "1909"^^ . . _:vb50900319 _:vb50900320 . _:vb50901432 _:vb50901435 . _:vb50901438 "1905"^^ . _:vb50900302 . _:vb50900268 _:vb50900288 . _:vb50900293 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900265 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900263 . _:vb50900271 _:vb50900300 . _:vb50900270 _:vb50900296 . _:vb50900269 _:vb50900292 . _:vb50900310 _:vb50900332 . _:vb50901432 _:vb50901436 . _:vb50900292 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900264 . _:vb50901440 _:vb50901443 . _:vb50901449 "for his role as the 'first father' of the Inter-Parliamentary Union"^^ . _:vb50901441 _:vb50901442 . _:vb50900337 "for being the foremost peace advocate in Scandinavia, combining work in the Inter-Parliamentary Union with being the first president of the International Peace Bureau."^^ . _:vb50900308 "1905"^^ . _:vb50900289 . _:vb50900308 _:vb50900328 . _:vb50900280 . _:vb50900272 "for his successful mediation to end the Russo-Japanese war and for his interest in arbitration, having provided the Hague arbitration court with its very first case."^^ . _:vb50901438 _:vb50901453 . _:vb50900266 "1905"^^ . _:vb50900316 _:vb50900317 . _:vb50900319 . _:vb50900281 . _:vb50900305 _:vb50900321 . _:vb50900315 _:vb50900318 . _:vb50900291 . _:vb50901437 _:vb50901451 . _:vb50900282 . _:vb50900302 . _:vb50900305 "1902"^^ . _:vb50901444 _:vb50901445 . _:vb50900283 . _:vb50900298 "for being a representative to the two Hague conferences, and a leading figure in the Inter-Parliamentary Union."^^ . _:vb50900306 _:vb50900324 . _:vb50900311 _:vb50900336 . _:vb50901436 _:vb50901449 . _:vb50900301 "for acting as a link between the peace societies of the various countries."^^ . _:vb50900273 "for his humanitarian efforts to help wounded soldiers and create international understanding"^^ . _:vb50900307 _:vb50900326 . _:vb50900293 . _:vb50900284 . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900310 . _:vb50900285 . _:vb50901446 _:vb50901447 . _:vb50900312 _:vb50900340 . _:vb50900317 . _:vb50900316 . _:vb50900313 _:vb50900343 . _:vb50900295 . _:vb50900286 . _:vb50900330 _:vb50900331 . . . _:vb50901435 _:vb50901446 . _:vb50900287 . _:vb50900277 _:vb50900278 . _:vb50901434 _:vb50901440 . _:vb50900279 _:vb50900280 . _:vb50900304 _:vb50900315 . _:vb50900272 . _:vb50900262 "1901"^^ . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900311 . _:vb50900284 "for its efforts as an unofficial body to formulate the general principles of the science of international law"^^ . _:vb50900276 "for his lifelong work for international peace conferences, diplomacy and arbitration"^^ . _:vb50900271 "1910"^^ . _:vb50900273 _:vb50900276 . _:vb50900324 "for his role as the 'first father' of the Inter-Parliamentary Union"^^ . _:vb50900334 _:vb50900335 . _:vb50900275 . _:vb50900299 "for combined diplomatic work for Franco-German and Franco-British understanding with a distinguished career in international arbitration."^^ . _:vb50900260 . _:vb50900276 . _:vb50900310 _:vb50900330 . _:vb50900332 _:vb50900333 . _:vb50900311 _:vb50900334 . _:vb50900274 _:vb50900275 . _:vb50900268 _:vb50900290 . _:vb50900270 _:vb50900298 . _:vb50900269 _:vb50900294 . _:vb50900265 "1904"^^ . _:vb50900308 _:vb50900327 . _:vb50900260 . _:vb50900278 . _:vb50900271 _:vb50900301 . _:vb50900321 _:vb50900322 . _:vb50900286 "for writing 'Lay Down Your Arms' and contributing to the creation of the Prize."^^ . _:vb50900302 _:vb50900309 . _:vb50900337 . _:vb50900309 _:vb50900329 . _:vb50900260 _:vb50900271 . _:vb50900280 "for his role as the first Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union."^^ . _:vb50900310 "1907"^^ . _:vb50900339 . _:vb50900268 "1907"^^ . _:vb50900306 _:vb50900323 . _:vb50900307 _:vb50900325 . _:vb50900341 . _:vb50900312 _:vb50900338 . _:vb50900313 _:vb50900342 . _:vb50901436 "1903"^^ . _:vb50900342 . _:vb50900329 . _:vb50900332 "for his work as a key leader of the Italian peace movement."^^ . _:vb50901432 _:vb50901434 . _:vb50900330 . _:vb50900343 . _:vb50900305 _:vb50900319 . _:vb50900328 . _:vb50900329 . _:vb50900304 _:vb50900316 . _:vb50901432 _:vb50901439 . _:vb50900331 . _:vb50900291 "for his work as a leading French international jurist and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague."^^ . _:vb50900313 "1910"^^ . _:vb50901448 . _:vb50900331 . _:vb50900335 . _:vb50900334 . _:vb50901440 "for his humanitarian efforts to help wounded soldiers and create international understanding"^^ . _:vb50901451 "for its efforts as an unofficial body to formulate the general principles of the science of international law"^^ . _:vb50901452 . _:vb50901450 . . _:vb50901439 "1906"^^ . _:vb50900333 . _:vb50901434 "1901"^^ . _:vb50901439 _:vb50901454 .