. . . "toLocation" . . . . . "A sub property of location. The final location of the object or the agent after the action." . . . . . . . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 367" . . . . . . "A sub property of location. The final location of the object or the agent after the action." . . . . . . . . . . . . "A sub property of location. The final location of the object or the agent after the action." . . . . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 261" . . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 369" . . . . . . . . . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 368" . . . . . . . . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 271" . . . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 259" . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 258" . . . . . "toLocation" . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 370" . "A sub property of location. The final location of the object or the agent after the action." . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 269" . "toLocation" . . . . . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 268" . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 270" . "toLocation" . . . . "Embedded JSONLD-in-HTML Statement 260" .