_:vb50875695 _:vb50875696 . _:vb50875695 "Reading Time: 15 minutes Dermal fillers are referred to some synthetic substance to be injected into your skin directly for regaining the firmness of the skin while beating the ongoing aging effects. If you want to fill your temples, dermal fillers are the best option to go for! However, before you decide, we post this blog to share some \u2026 Read more" . _:vb50875695 . _:vb50875695 . _:vb50875696 "https://schema.org/Person" . _:vb50875696 . _:vb50875695 "https://schema.org/CreativeWork" . _:vb50875695 "2021-06-24T14:52:29Z" . _:vb50875696 . _:vb50875696 "Majji Vikram Raj Kumar" . _:vb50875695 "2021-06-25T00:36:26Z" . _:vb50875695 "Top Lesser Known Facts of Using Dermal Fillers for Temples" .