_:vb50875692 . _:vb50875691 "https://schema.org/CreativeWork" . _:vb50875692 . _:vb50875692 "Majji Vikram Raj Kumar" . _:vb50875691 _:vb50875692 . _:vb50875691 . _:vb50875691 . _:vb50875691 "Reading Time: 10 minutes Here is a rundown of some normal HVAC questions that clients of climate control systems or heat pumps asked in regards to their gear. This rundown isn\u2019t comprehensive and will be added occasionally. If you are running an HVAC call center answering service, you must know the answers of these top 10 customer questions about \u2026 Read more" . _:vb50875691 "2021-06-25T05:11:47Z" . _:vb50875692 "https://schema.org/Person" . _:vb50875691 "Top 10 Customer Questions about HVAC" .