. . "Web Programing"@en . . . "This course specifically addresses the technical skills and business knowledge required to develop data-driven web sites hosted on the Microsoft Web Platform. The course will focus on server-side ASP.NET programming technologies and the C# language. Students will also work with current and full-featured data access technologies, and interact with a variety of local and remote data stores. The course essentially covers: (1)\tWeb Forms (2)\tServer Controls (3)\tASP.NET Applications (4)\tState Management (5)\tADO.NET Fundamentals (6)\tData Components and the DataSet (7)\tData Binding (8)\tCaching and Asynchronous Pages (9)\tLINQ (10)\tBuilding ASP.NET Websites (11)\tSecurity (12)\tASP.NET AJAX (13)\tMVC" .