_:vb50935043 ":arcc045b488" . _:vb50935046 ":arcc045b487" . _:vb50935046 . _:vb50935044 _:vb50935045 . _:vb50935045 . . _:vb50935039 ":arcc045b489" . . _:vb50935044 . _:vb50935044 ":arcc045b485" . _:vb50935041 ":arcc045b484" . _:vb50935039 . _:vb50935046 . _:vb50935043 . . _:vb50935046 . _:vb50935038 . _:vb50935038 . _:vb50935045 . _:vb50935040 ":arcc045b482" . _:vb50935039 . "An assay is an investigative (analytic) procedure in laboratory medicine, pharmacology, environmental biology, and molecular biology for qualitatively assessing or quantitatively measuring the presence or amount or the functional activity of a target entity (the analyte) which can be a drug or biochemical substance or a cell in an organism or organic sample."@en . _:vb50935039 . _:vb50935042 ":arcc045b483" . _:vb50935044 . _:vb50935040 _:vb50935041 . _:vb50935043 _:vb50935046 . _:vb50935039 . . _:vb50935038 . _:vb50935045 . _:vb50935038 _:vb50935040 . _:vb50935046 . _:vb50935041 _:vb50935042 . _:vb50935045 ":arcc045b486" . _:vb50935040 . _:vb50935042 . _:vb50935038 . _:vb50935039 . _:vb50935038 ":arcc045b481" . _:vb50935041 . _:vb50935041 _:vb50935043 . _:vb50935042 . _:vb50935040 . _:vb50935042 _:vb50935044 . "SIO_001007" . _:vb50935043 . "bioassay"@en . "assay"@en .