_:vb51206789 "1"^^ . _:vb51206790 "1"^^ . _:vb51206786 . _:vb51206791 "1"^^ . _:vb51206787 . . _:vb51206791 . _:vb51206774 . _:vb51206775 . _:vb51206791 . _:vb51206780 . _:vb51206790 . . _:vb51206781 . _:vb51206782 . _:vb51206783 . _:vb51206776 "1"^^ . _:vb51206789 . _:vb51206776 . _:vb51206777 "0"^^ . _:vb51206789 . _:vb51206784 . _:vb51206775 . _:vb51206777 . _:vb51206778 . _:vb51206779 . _:vb51206788 . _:vb51206778 "0"^^ . _:vb51206788 . _:vb51206774 . _:vb51206780 . _:vb51206787 . _:vb51206780 . _:vb51206779 "0"^^ . _:vb51206791 . _:vb51206786 . _:vb51206790 . _:vb51206785 . _:vb51206781 "0"^^ . _:vb51206785 . _:vb51206783 . _:vb51206784 . _:vb51206775 . _:vb51206784 . _:vb51206782 "0"^^ . _:vb51206776 . _:vb51206783 "0"^^ . _:vb51206787 . _:vb51206788 . _:vb51206775 . _:vb51206786 . _:vb51206774 . _:vb51206787 . _:vb51206788 . _:vb51206774 . _:vb51206777 . _:vb51206781 . _:vb51206785 . _:vb51206780 . _:vb51206786 . _:vb51206783 . _:vb51206781 . _:vb51206790 . _:vb51206779 . _:vb51206782 . "Category" . _:vb51206777 . _:vb51206783 . _:vb51206785 . _:vb51206776 . _:vb51206782 . _:vb51206789 . _:vb51206779 . _:vb51206781 . _:vb51206778 . _:vb51206780 . _:vb51206784 "0"^^ . _:vb51206779 . . _:vb51206778 . _:vb51206788 . _:vb51206778 . _:vb51206789 . "A description of a particular category or response. OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms: Generic term for items at any level within a classification, typically tabulation categories, sections, subsections, divisions, subdivisions, groups, subgroups, classes and subclasses. In addition to the standard name, label, and description, a category may contain a reference to a defining concept, provide information on how the category was generated (membership defined), and indicate if it is the description of a type of missing value." . _:vb51206777 . _:vb51206790 . _:vb51206782 . _:vb51206791 . _:vb51206784 . _:vb51206785 . _:vb51206776 . _:vb51206786 . _:vb51206787 . . _:vb51206775 . _:vb51206774 .