. "This property specifies the current approximate inventory level of the Product Or Service Some Instance Placeholder. The unit of measurement and the point value or interval are indicated using the attached gr:QuantitativeValueFloat instance."@en . _:vb51210287 . _:vb51210290 . _:vb51210289 . _:vb51210289 _:vb51210288 . "hasInventoryLevel (0..1)"@en . _:vb51210287 . . _:vb51210290 _:vb51210289 . _:vb51210288 . _:vb51210287 . _:vb51210289 . "has inventory level (0..1)"@en . _:vb51210288 . . _:vb51210290 . . . "This property specifies the current approximate inventory level for gr:SomeItems. The unit of measurement and the point value or interval are indicated using the attached gr:QuantitativeValueFloat instance.\n\nThis property can also be attached to a gr:Offering in cases where the included products are not modeled in more detail."@en . _:vb51210287 _:vb51210290 . _:vb51210288 .