. . . . . . . "Qualitative value"@en . "A Qualitative Value is an entity that represents the state of a certain qualitative Product or Service Property. Qualitative Values are either Literal Values or Enumerative Values. Literal values are represented just as literals with respective datatype properties. For all other enumerative values, instances of this class are being created.\n\nAn instance of this class represents a qualitative value for an object property.\n\nExamples: the color \"green\", the power cord plug type \"US\".\n\nNote: Currently, neither value sets nor ordinal relations between values are supported. This can be implemented when needed by importing and refining GoodRelations."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "A qualitative value is a predefined value for a product characteristic. \n\t\nExamples: the color \"green\" or the power cord plug type \"US\"; the garment sizes \"S\", \"M\", \"L\", and \"XL\".\n\t\nNote: Value sets are supported by creating subclasses of this class. Ordinal relations between values (gr:greater, gr:lesser, ...) are provided directly by GoodRelations.\n\nCompatibility with schema.org: This class is equivalent to http://schema.org/Enumeration."@en . "QualitativeValue"@en .