. "- self-preservation (food and shelter), security, and physical awareness/focus; \n- on the psychological level, it governs the will to survive, the inner state of safety, grounding, physical comfort, desire for material possessions, the feeling of material security, the feeling of belonging to a group, and group (family) identity."@en . "Earth"@en . "In Sanskrit, mula means \u201Croot\u201D or \u201Cbase\u201D and adhara means \u201Csubstratum\u201D or support.\u201D Therefore, the word muladhara means \u201Cthe basic substratum\u201D or \u201Cthe support center,\u201D referring to its characteristic of being the foundation center of the human being. \nIt is the first chakra, located in the area of the perineum. It is the seat of vitality (the \u201Cbattery\u201D of the being) and is attuned with Earth energies and mechanical forces such as gravity."@en . . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra#Muladhara" . "Smell"@en . "Muladhara (root chakra) is symbolized by a lotus with four petals and the color red.\n\nThis chakra is very active in the first years of childhood, when we learn to regulate our patterns of eating, drinking, and sleeping in order to secure our physical condition. It governs the skeletal system and the lower digestive tract." . . "life, \npotential energy, \nrigidity"@en . . "self-centeredness, \nthe desire to have food and shelter, \nthe accumulation of material goods, money, friends, etc."@en . . . "Red"@en . "The triggering point is the base of the spine. The reflection area is the region between the anus and genitals."@en . "Muladhara is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human potentiality." . "Anus"@en . "Nose"@en . "heaviness, \ninert force, \npatience, \nlaziness, \nstability, \nslowness"@en .