. "150.0"^^ . . "23.6"^^ . "519.0"^^ . . "Halberstadt D.II"@pt . . . . "O Halberstadt D.II foi um avi\u00E3o de combate, biplano, usado pela Luftstreitkr\u00E4fte. Foi usado durante o per\u00EDodo de superioridade a\u00E9rea aliada no in\u00EDcio de 1916, mas acabou por ser ultrapassado pelos superiores avi\u00F5es de combate Albatros, no Outono desse ano."@pt . . "Halberstadt D.II"@en . "one, pilot"^^ . . "1916"^^ . "90.0"^^ . "1916"^^ . . . "L'Halberstadt D.II era un caccia biplano monoposto sviluppato dall'azienda tedesco imperiale Halberst\u00E4dter Flugzeugwerke GmbH negli anni dieci del XX secolo e prodotto, oltre che dalla stessa, su licenza dalla Automobil und Aviatik AG e dalla Hannoversche Waggonfabrik. Utilizzato principalmente dalla Luftstreitkr\u00E4fte, la componente aerea del Deutsches Heer (esercito) germanico, e dall'Osmanl\u0131 tayyare b\u00F6l\u00FCkleri (l'aviazione turco-ottomana) durante le prime fasi della prima guerra mondiale, venne ben presto sostituito dai reparti di prima linea ed impiegato come addestratore per la formazione di piloti da caccia."@it . . "254.0"^^ . . . "Mercedes D.II six cylinder in-line"^^ . "prop"^^ . "Halberstadt D.II \u2014 niemiecki samolot my\u015Bliwski z okresu I wojny \u015Bwiatowej."@pl . "2310.0"^^ . "L'Halberstadt D.II \u00E9tait un avion de chasse biplan allemand de la Premi\u00E8re Guerre mondiale."@fr . . . "28"^^ . "Halberstadt D.II"@fr . "65"^^ . . "Halberstadt D.II \u2014 niemiecki samolot my\u015Bliwski z okresu I wojny \u015Bwiatowej."@pl . "93.0"^^ . . . "L'Halberstadt D.II era un caccia biplano monoposto sviluppato dall'azienda tedesco imperiale Halberst\u00E4dter Flugzeugwerke GmbH negli anni dieci del XX secolo e prodotto, oltre che dalla stessa, su licenza dalla Automobil und Aviatik AG e dalla Hannoversche Waggonfabrik."@it . . "L'Halberstadt D.II \u00E9tait un avion de chasse biplan allemand de la Premi\u00E8re Guerre mondiale."@fr . . "4,000 m"^^ . "2.66 m"^^ . "728.5"^^ . "Luftstreitkr\u00E4fte"^^ . "Late 1915"^^ . . . "1917"^^ . . "El Halberstadt D.II fue un biplano de la Primera Guerra Mundial operado por el Imperio alem\u00E1n."@es . "1606.0"^^ . . "13123.0"^^ . . "Halberstadt D.II"@pl . . . . . "8.8 m"^^ . . . . "Ray Wagner and Heinz Nowarra. German Combat Planes: A Comprehensive Survey and History of the Development of German Military Aircraft from 1914 to 1945. New York: Doubleday, 1971. and Grosz, Peter M. Halberstadt Fighters-Classics of World War I Aviation, Volume 1. Berkhamsted, Herts, UK: Albatros Publications, 1996. ISBN 0-948414-86-3."^^ . "1"^^ . "The Halberstadt D.II was a biplane fighter aircraft of the Luftstreitkr\u00E4fte (Imperial German Army Air Service) that served through the period of Allied air superiority in early 1916. As the first-ever biplane configuration fighter aircraft to serve in combat for the German Empire, it had begun to be superseded in the Jagdstaffeln being formed, by the superior Albatros fighters in the second half of the year, although small numbers of Halberstadts continued in use well into 1917."@en . . "Halberstadt D.II"@es . "266.7"^^ . . "El Halberstadt D.II fue un biplano de la Primera Guerra Mundial operado por el Imperio alem\u00E1n."@es . "1144.0"^^ . "7.3 m"^^ . . . "733409390"^^ . . . "* 1 \u00D7 forward-firing 7.92 mm lMG 08 \"Spandau\" machine gun"^^ . . . . "11263546"^^ . . . "Karl Theis"^^ . . . "728.98"^^ . . . "Halberstadt D.II"@it . "The Halberstadt D.II was a biplane fighter aircraft of the Luftstreitkr\u00E4fte (Imperial German Army Air Service) that served through the period of Allied air superiority in early 1916. As the first-ever biplane configuration fighter aircraft to serve in combat for the German Empire, it had begun to be superseded in the Jagdstaffeln being formed, by the superior Albatros fighters in the second half of the year, although small numbers of Halberstadts continued in use well into 1917."@en . "plane"^^ . "Early 1916"^^ . "120.0"^^ . "O Halberstadt D.II foi um avi\u00E3o de combate, biplano, usado pela Luftstreitkr\u00E4fte. Foi usado durante o per\u00EDodo de superioridade a\u00E9rea aliada no in\u00EDcio de 1916, mas acabou por ser ultrapassado pelos superiores avi\u00F5es de combate Albatros, no Outono desse ano."@pt .