. "1991-12-29"^^ . . "Mechanical"^^ . "China-Airlines-Flug 358"@de . "1194915"^^ . . . . . . . . "Crash"^^ . "China Airlines Flight 358 was a Boeing 747-2R7F freighter plane that crashed on December 29, 1991 shortly after takeoff from Chiang Kai-shek International Airport in Taipei, Taiwan. The aircraft was a 747, registration B-198, that had been in service for 11 years, 3 months. The aircraft had clocked a total of 45,868 hours of flight time during its time in service. The last A-check maintenance had occurred on December 21, 1991, and the aircraft had accumulated 74 hours of flight time since that point."@en . . "Vol 358 cargo China Airlines"@fr . "\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A358\u865F\u73ED\u6A5F\u662F\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A\u4E00\u500B\u7531\u53F0\u7063\u4E2D\u6B63\u570B\u969B\u6A5F\u5834\uFF08\u4ECA\u53F0\u7063\u6843\u5712\u570B\u969B\u6A5F\u5834\uFF09\u98DB\u5F80\u7F8E\u570B\u5B89\u514B\u62C9\u6CBB\uFF08\u6CF0\u5FB7\u00B7\u53F2\u8482\u6587\u65AF\u5B89\u514B\u62C9\u6CBB\u570B\u969B\u6A5F\u5834\uFF09\u7684\u8CA8\u6A5F\u822A\u73ED\u3002 1991\u5E7412\u670829\u65E5\uFF0C\u9019\u67B6\u6A5F\u8EAB\u7DE8\u865FB-198\u3001\u8CA0\u8CAC\u6B64\u822A\u73ED\u7684\u6CE2\u97F3747-2R7F/SCD\u578B\u8CA8\u6A5F\uFF0C\u5728\u8D77\u98DB\u4E0D\u4E45\u5F8C\u56E0\u5F15\u64CE\u6389\u843D\u53C8\u56DE\u822A\u4E0D\u53CA\uFF0C\u589C\u6BC0\u65BC\u53F0\u5317\u7E23\u842C\u91CC\u9109\uFF08\u4ECA\u65B0\u5317\u5E02\u842C\u91CC\u5340\uFF09\u5883\u5167\u7684\u4E2D\u5E45\u5B50\u5C71\uFF08\u4E01\u706B\u5DE7\u5C71\uFF09\u5C71\u5340\u3002\u7576\u6642\u6A5F\u4E0A\u642D\u8F09\u7684\u6B63\u526F\u99D5\u99DB\u53CA\u98DB\u822A\u5DE5\u7A0B\u5E2B\uFF08\u542B\u9577\u7A0B\u822A\u7DDA\u66FF\u63DB\u7684\u98DB\u884C\u54E1\uFF09\u5171\u4E94\u540D\u6A5F\u7D44\u54E1\uFF0C\u5168\u6578\u7686\u5728\u610F\u5916\u4E2D\u7F79\u96E3\u3002"@zh . "Am 26. Dezember 1991 st\u00FCrzte eine Frachtmaschine vom Typ Boeing 747 auf dem China-Airlines-Flug 358 von Taipeh nach Anchorage ab."@de . . . "\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A358\u4FBF\u589C\u843D\u4E8B\u6545"@ja . . . "Boeing 747-2R7F"^^ . "detached engines"^^ . . . "B-198, the aircraft involved in the accident, at Changi Airport in 1985."^^ . "5"^^ . . . . . "China Airlines Flight 358"@en . . "736588793"^^ . . . "Structural"^^ . "El 29 de diciembre de 1991, el vuelo 358 de China Airlines, un avi\u00F3n Boeing 747 de carga despeg\u00F3 a la 15:05 del Aeropuerto Internacional de Taiw\u00E1n Taoyuan con destino al Aeropuerto Internacional Ted Stevens Anchorage. 4 minutos despu\u00E9s, durante el ascenso a 5200 metros, se reportaron problemas en dos de los motores. El ATC se puso en contacto con la tripulaci\u00F3n d\u00E1ndoles permiso para desviarse a la izquierda y aterrizar. Un minuto y 45 segundos despu\u00E9s la tripulaci\u00F3n indic\u00F3 que no pod\u00EDan girar a la izquierda, por lo que la torre de control les dio permisos para virar a la derecha. Esta fue la \u00FAltima comunicaci\u00F3n con cabina, porque momentos despu\u00E9s el aparato se volvi\u00F3 incontrolable y se estrell\u00F3 contra una colina a 700 metros de altitud. Al parecer la causa del accidente fue el desprendimiento del motor n\u00FAmero 3 por fatiga estructural. Al desprenderse el motor, este golpe\u00F3 al motor n\u00FAmero 4 desprendi\u00E9ndolo tambi\u00E9n y da\u00F1ando seriamente el ala derecha del aparato. Este accidente es similar al que le ocurri\u00F3 el a\u00F1o siguiente al Vuelo 1862 de El Al. Se trataba del mismo tipo de avi\u00F3n y el fallo fue exactamente el mismo, lo que propiciar\u00EDa una investigaci\u00F3n m\u00E1s amplia y el redise\u00F1o de la estructura de los pylon (estructuras que sujetan el motor al ala)."@es . "0"^^ . "\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A358\u4FBF\u589C\u843D\u4E8B\u6545\uFF08\u3061\u3085\u3046\u304B\u3053\u3046\u304F\u3046358\u3073\u3093\u3064\u3044\u3089\u304F\u3058\u3053\uFF09\u3068\u306F\u30011991\u5E7412\u670829\u65E5\u306B\u53F0\u6E7E\uFF08\u4E2D\u83EF\u6C11\u56FD\uFF09\u306E\u822A\u7A7A\u4F1A\u793E\u306E\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A\uFF08\u73FE\uFF1A\u30C1\u30E3\u30A4\u30CA\u30A8\u30A2\u30E9\u30A4\u30F3\uFF09\u306E\u8CA8\u7269\u6A5F\u304C\u589C\u843D\u3057\u305F\u822A\u7A7A\u4E8B\u6545\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u30A8\u30F3\u30B8\u30F3\u304C\u98DB\u884C\u4E2D\u306B\u8131\u843D\u3057\u305F\u3053\u3068\u304C\u4E8B\u6545\u306E\u5F15\u304D\u91D1\u3068\u306A\u3063\u305F\u3002"@ja . . "Engine detachment due to improper maintenance"^^ . . . . . . "China Airlines Flight 358 was a Boeing 747-2R7F freighter plane that crashed on December 29, 1991 shortly after takeoff from Chiang Kai-shek International Airport in Taipei, Taiwan. The aircraft was a 747, registration B-198, that had been in service for 11 years, 3 months. The aircraft had clocked a total of 45,868 hours of flight time during its time in service. The last A-check maintenance had occurred on December 21, 1991, and the aircraft had accumulated 74 hours of flight time since that point. Several minutes after takeoff, the crew reported problems with the #2 engine, prompting Taipei air traffic control (ATC) to vector the flight into a left turn to return to the airport. Approximately two minutes later, the crew reported that they were unable to turn left, and ATC approved a right-hand turn instead. This was the last radio contact made by the crew. The crew lost control of the airplane and it struck a hill, right wing first, near Wanli, Taipei. The crash occurred at approximately 3:05 PM, at an altitude of 700 feet. All five crewmembers died in the crash, and there were no injuries on the ground. The subsequent investigation revealed that the number 3 engine and its pylon had separated from the airplane and struck the number 4 engine, breaking it off the wing as well. A more detailed investigation revealed that the pylon midspar fittings, which attach the pylon to the lower portion of the wing front spar, had failed. The search for the number 3 engine and its pylon, which landed in the sea, took several months. Subsequently, Boeing recalled every 747 in use for pylon modifications. The aircraft was the same one involved in the China Airlines Flight 334 hijacking on May 3, 1986."@en . . . . . . "\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A358\u4FBF\u589C\u843D\u4E8B\u6545\uFF08\u3061\u3085\u3046\u304B\u3053\u3046\u304F\u3046358\u3073\u3093\u3064\u3044\u3089\u304F\u3058\u3053\uFF09\u3068\u306F\u30011991\u5E7412\u670829\u65E5\u306B\u53F0\u6E7E\uFF08\u4E2D\u83EF\u6C11\u56FD\uFF09\u306E\u822A\u7A7A\u4F1A\u793E\u306E\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A\uFF08\u73FE\uFF1A\u30C1\u30E3\u30A4\u30CA\u30A8\u30A2\u30E9\u30A4\u30F3\uFF09\u306E\u8CA8\u7269\u6A5F\u304C\u589C\u843D\u3057\u305F\u822A\u7A7A\u4E8B\u6545\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u30A8\u30F3\u30B8\u30F3\u304C\u98DB\u884C\u4E2D\u306B\u8131\u843D\u3057\u305F\u3053\u3068\u304C\u4E8B\u6545\u306E\u5F15\u304D\u91D1\u3068\u306A\u3063\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . . . "Le vol 358 China Airlines \u00E9tait assur\u00E9 par un avion-cargo Boeing 747-2R7F, qui s'est \u00E9cras\u00E9 le 29 d\u00E9cembre 1991 peu apr\u00E8s son d\u00E9collage depuis l'a\u00E9roport international Tchang Ka\u00EF-chek \u00E0 Ta\u00EFwan. L'appareil \u00E9tait en service depuis 11 ans et 3 mois, et avait totalis\u00E9 45 868 heures de vol. L'investigation r\u00E9v\u00E8le que le moteur num\u00E9ro 3 s'est s\u00E9par\u00E9 de l'avion en emportant dans sa chute le moteur num\u00E9ro 4, causant un important roulis. L'appareil s'est \u00E9cras\u00E9 sur une colline de Wanli, tuant la totalit\u00E9 des membres de son \u00E9quipage (5 personnes)."@fr . . . . "Accident"^^ . . "Am 26. Dezember 1991 st\u00FCrzte eine Frachtmaschine vom Typ Boeing 747 auf dem China-Airlines-Flug 358 von Taipeh nach Anchorage ab."@de . . "Loss of control"^^ . . "Vuelo 358 de China Airlines"@es . . "\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A358\u865F\u73ED\u6A5F\u662F\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A\u4E00\u500B\u7531\u53F0\u7063\u4E2D\u6B63\u570B\u969B\u6A5F\u5834\uFF08\u4ECA\u53F0\u7063\u6843\u5712\u570B\u969B\u6A5F\u5834\uFF09\u98DB\u5F80\u7F8E\u570B\u5B89\u514B\u62C9\u6CBB\uFF08\u6CF0\u5FB7\u00B7\u53F2\u8482\u6587\u65AF\u5B89\u514B\u62C9\u6CBB\u570B\u969B\u6A5F\u5834\uFF09\u7684\u8CA8\u6A5F\u822A\u73ED\u3002 1991\u5E7412\u670829\u65E5\uFF0C\u9019\u67B6\u6A5F\u8EAB\u7DE8\u865FB-198\u3001\u8CA0\u8CAC\u6B64\u822A\u73ED\u7684\u6CE2\u97F3747-2R7F/SCD\u578B\u8CA8\u6A5F\uFF0C\u5728\u8D77\u98DB\u4E0D\u4E45\u5F8C\u56E0\u5F15\u64CE\u6389\u843D\u53C8\u56DE\u822A\u4E0D\u53CA\uFF0C\u589C\u6BC0\u65BC\u53F0\u5317\u7E23\u842C\u91CC\u9109\uFF08\u4ECA\u65B0\u5317\u5E02\u842C\u91CC\u5340\uFF09\u5883\u5167\u7684\u4E2D\u5E45\u5B50\u5C71\uFF08\u4E01\u706B\u5DE7\u5C71\uFF09\u5C71\u5340\u3002\u7576\u6642\u6A5F\u4E0A\u642D\u8F09\u7684\u6B63\u526F\u99D5\u99DB\u53CA\u98DB\u822A\u5DE5\u7A0B\u5E2B\uFF08\u542B\u9577\u7A0B\u822A\u7DDA\u66FF\u63DB\u7684\u98DB\u884C\u54E1\uFF09\u5171\u4E94\u540D\u6A5F\u7D44\u54E1\uFF0C\u5168\u6578\u7686\u5728\u610F\u5916\u4E2D\u7F79\u96E3\u3002"@zh . "Le vol 358 China Airlines \u00E9tait assur\u00E9 par un avion-cargo Boeing 747-2R7F, qui s'est \u00E9cras\u00E9 le 29 d\u00E9cembre 1991 peu apr\u00E8s son d\u00E9collage depuis l'a\u00E9roport international Tchang Ka\u00EF-chek \u00E0 Ta\u00EFwan. L'appareil \u00E9tait en service depuis 11 ans et 3 mois, et avait totalis\u00E9 45 868 heures de vol. L'investigation r\u00E9v\u00E8le que le moteur num\u00E9ro 3 s'est s\u00E9par\u00E9 de l'avion en emportant dans sa chute le moteur num\u00E9ro 4, causant un important roulis. L'appareil s'est \u00E9cras\u00E9 sur une colline de Wanli, tuant la totalit\u00E9 des membres de son \u00E9quipage (5 personnes)."@fr . . . "5"^^ . "China Airlines Cargo Flight 358"^^ . . "El 29 de diciembre de 1991, el vuelo 358 de China Airlines, un avi\u00F3n Boeing 747 de carga despeg\u00F3 a la 15:05 del Aeropuerto Internacional de Taiw\u00E1n Taoyuan con destino al Aeropuerto Internacional Ted Stevens Anchorage. 4 minutos despu\u00E9s, durante el ascenso a 5200 metros, se reportaron problemas en dos de los motores. El ATC se puso en contacto con la tripulaci\u00F3n d\u00E1ndoles permiso para desviarse a la izquierda y aterrizar. Un minuto y 45 segundos despu\u00E9s la tripulaci\u00F3n indic\u00F3 que no pod\u00EDan girar a la izquierda, por lo que la torre de control les dio permisos para virar a la derecha. Esta fue la \u00FAltima comunicaci\u00F3n con cabina, porque momentos despu\u00E9s el aparato se volvi\u00F3 incontrolable y se estrell\u00F3 contra una colina a 700 metros de altitud."@es . . "B-198"^^ . "engine pylon"^^ . "\u4E2D\u83EF\u822A\u7A7A358\u865F\u73ED\u6A5F\u7A7A\u96E3"@zh .