acute gastrojejunal ulcer, with hemorrhage, with obstructionacute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforationacute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND perforationacute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage, with perforation AND with obstructionchronic gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforationchronic gastrojejunal ulcer without mention of hemorrhage or perforation, without mention of obstructionacute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhagechronic gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage, without perforation AND without obstructionacute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation, with obstructionacute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage AND obstructionacute gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage, without perforation AND without obstructionacute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation AND obstructionacute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation, with obstructionacute gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforationacute gastrojejunal ulcer without mention of hemorrhage or perforation, without mention of obstruction