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The Resource Package is a specialized structure which is intended to hold reusable metadata outside of the structures of a single StudyUnit or Group. For example this may be common methodological approaches bound in a DataCollection module, DataRelationship information bound in a LogicalProduct, or any maintainable scheme. The ResourcePackage is often used to manage and publish metadata that is used by StudyUnits or Groups by reference. Any maintainable object with the exception of a Group, StudyUnit or LocalHoldingPackage may be published in a Resource Package. Each maintainable object may be entered as either an in-line representation or by reference. Within each maintainable type the ordering of in-line or referenced content may be mixed. In addition the ResourcePackage contains self identifying information including: a citation, abstract, authorization source, a universe reference, series statement, references to applicable quality statements, funding and budget information, purpose, coverage, other material, embargo, and the resource package archive (as opposed to an Archive module intended as the part of the published reusable content).