| - select ?join as ?s, ("Warning") as ?severity,
(if (bif:isnotnull (sql:R2RML_KEY_COLUMN_EXISTS (?ts, ?to, ?tn, ?col, 1)),
bif:concat ("rr:child refers to column ", ?col , " that is misspelled name of column ",
sql:R2RML_KEY_COLUMN_EXISTS (?ts, ?to, ?tn, ?col, 1), " that the table ",
sql:R2RML_MAIN_KEY_EXISTS (?ts, ?to, ?tn, 0), " contains now; adjust the R2RML or the table before generating an RDF View" ),
bif:concat ("rr:child refers to column ", ?col , " that is not found in table ",
sql:R2RML_MAIN_KEY_EXISTS (?ts, ?to, ?tn, 0), "; adjust the R2RML or the table before generating an RDF View" ) ) ) as ?message
where {
?lt rr:tableName ?tn .
OPTIONAL { ?lt rr:tableOwner ?to }
OPTIONAL { ?lt rr:tableSchema ?ts }
filter (bif:isnotnull (sql:R2RML_MAIN_KEY_EXISTS (?ts, ?to, ?tn, 0)))
?triplesmap a rr:TriplesMap ; rr:logicalTable ?lt ; rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:objectMap ?objmap ] .
?objmap rr:joinCondition ?join .
?join rr:child ?col .
filter (bif:isnull (sql:R2RML_KEY_COLUMN_EXISTS (?ts, ?to, ?tn, ?col, 0))) }