| - A maintainable module containing information on activities related to data collection/capture and the processing required for the creation a data product. This section covers the methodologies, events, data sources, collection instruments and processes which comprise the collection/capture and processing of data. Metadata regarding the methodology of the data collection process including, determining repetition patterns, sampling, collection modes, etc. Collection Event specifies data sources, collection instruments, questions and question flow, and data processing activities. This module houses Processing Instructions (General Instructions and Generation Instructions) which may be referenced by variables or comparison maps.The module is described by a name, label, and description, provides spatial, temporal, and topical coverage information on the activities covered by the module, and references to external material related to objects in the module using OtherMaterial. The content of the module is organized within the following sections; Methodology, DataCaptureDevelopment, Collection Event, QuestionScheme (in-line or by reference), ControlConstructScheme (in-line or by references) containing the flow of a questionnaire or data capture process, InterviewerInstructionScheme (in-line or by reference), InstrumentScheme (in-line or by reference), ProcessingEventScheme (in-line or by reference), SamplingScheme (in-line or by reference) and DevelopmentActivityScheme.