| - If the counts of the queries are not all "0" this indicated the indexes with none "0" counts are corrupt and needs to be repaired, which can be done with the following queries/commands:
create table rq_recov (g iri_id_8, s iri_id_8, p iri_id_8, o any, primary key (g,s,p,o));
log_enable (3,1);
insert soft rq_recov (g,s,p,o) select g,s,p,o from RDF_QUAD a table option (index RDF_QUAD)
where not exists (select 1 from RDF_QUAD b table option (loop, index RDF_QUAD_POGS, no exists join)
where a.G = b.G and a.P = b.P and a.O = b.O and a.S = b.S);
insert soft rq_recov (g,s,p,o) select g,s,p,o from RDF_QUAD a table option (index RDF_QUAD_POGS)
where not exists (select 1 from RDF_QUAD b table option (loop, index primary key, no exists join)
where a.G = b.G and a.P = b.P and a.O = b.O and a.S = b.S);
insert soft rdf_quad index rdf_quad (g,s,p,o) select g,s,p,o from rq_recov;
insert soft rdf_quad index rdf_quad_pogs (g,s,p,o) select g,s,p,o from rq_recov;
insert soft rdf_quad index rdf_quad_sp (g,s,p,o) select g,s,p,o from rq_recov;
insert soft rdf_quad index rdf_quad_op (g,s,p,o) select g,s,p,o from rq_recov;
insert soft rdf_quad index rdf_quad_gs (g,s,p,o) select g,s,p,o from rq_recov;
log_enable (1,1);
drop table rq_recov;
Then run the select count ... queries again for Virtuoso 7 or 8 , as above, to check indexes, the counts ALL of which should all be zero indicating they are repaired.