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A Global Trade Item Number ([GTIN](https://www.gs1.org/standards/id-keys/gtin)). GTINs identify trade items, including products and services, using numeric identification codes. The [[gtin]] property generalizes the earlier [[gtin8]], [[gtin12]], [[gtin13]], and [[gtin14]] properties. The GS1 [digital link specifications](https://www.gs1.org/standards/Digital-Link/) express GTINs as URLs. A correct [[gtin]] value should be a valid GTIN, which means that it should be an all-numeric string of either 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits, or a "GS1 Digital Link" URL based on such a string. The numeric component should also have a [valid GS1 check digit](https://www.gs1.org/services/check-digit-calculator) and meet the other rules for valid GTINs. See also [GS1's GTIN Summary](http://www.gs1.org/barcodes/technical/idkeys/gtin) and [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Trade_Item_Number) for more details. Left-padding of the gtin values is not required or encouraged.

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